May 10, 2023
- E-markting - Marie-juliette Levin

LaTour Media Group, a new player in the outdoor advertising market

Adriver, an advertising network specializing in itinerant billposting, and its data-driven subsidiary Seiki, join forces with urban scenography agency Terres Rouges, which operates in France, the UK and Italy, to expand their range of advertising spaces. LMG sets out its ambitions on a grand scale. An update from founder Hadrien de La Tour.

LaTour Media Group was born of the merger of several entities. What does it encompass today? 

It is made up of Adriver, the OOH advertising network based on itinerant billboards (trucks, buses, cabs...) launched at the end of 2019, Seiki, derived from Adriver's data activities, and Terres Rouges, the leader in urban scenography in Europe, which we have just acquired. LMG is built around a commercial offer for mobility and urban billposting exclusively in large-format canvas, until now only offered in inner-city Paris. Thanks to data, we hope to justify the purchase of large formats in the provinces to new advertisers and democratize these spaces. We're going to launch our first canvas in Boulogne-Billancourt, with a budget of 30,000 euros per month. We're aiming for sales of 200 million euros by the end of 2025. In 2020, we raised 10 million euros.

What makes this new player so special? 

We were the first outdoor advertising network to launch a guaranteed audience, thanks to our expertise in mobility data. We collect all the GPS tracking data from the vehicles on which we advertise (Caocao cabs, trucks, VTCs, Flixbus...), which we cross with data on people's mobility flows. We have built our own algorithm (Smart Audience Programming) and a methodology that should soon be certified by the CESP to guarantee audience results. For example, with a budget of 100,000 euros, an advertiser is exposed to 300 trucks for one month, i.e. 12 million opportunities to see (ODV). If 75% of the results are not achieved, the advertiser can either extend the campaign or obtain a credit note for a future campaign.

What are your objectives? How do you intend to influence the market? 

We intend to shape a new era in which technology and creativity are at the service of brands. Ultimately, our ambition is to have a positive economic, social and territorial impact on our entire ecosystem. LMG aims to modernize the OOH through complementary and creative campaigns to inspire consumers by offering unique experiences in cities. We aim to attract advertisers in France and Europe from the audiovisual, automotive and travel sectors, and thanks to our mobility offer, we target 100% of advertisers, especially SMEs. Our Adriver 360 tool, a platform that will be launched at the end of 2023, enables any SME to easily communicate in its catchment area, thanks to a geolocalized campaign that therefore has an impact. They will be able to track the results of their campaigns in real time.