July 6, 2023

CESP audits MOOH SEIKI measurement solution

Seiki offers the market an audience measurement methodology for mobile advertising campaigns, with a traffic model that takes account of people's movements.
An approach audited by CESP at Seiki's request between November 2022 and June 2023, which involved reviewing documentation and carrying out calculations on a dedicated technical environment. After analysis of the entire value chain from data acquisition to results production, the methodology is considered to be coherent overall.
Among the positive points noted by CESP :
- Seiki's approach to the challenges of mobility measurement, identifying all possible cases while maintaining overall consistency;
- The reliability of the repeat model is illustrated by the high level of statistical evaluation indicators;
- The quality of the reconstruction of advertising campaign vehicle itineraries based on GPS data;
- The exploitation of the various data sources and their processing protocol, which includes several filters to guarantee the quality of the information.
On the recommendation of the CESP Scientific Committee, Seiki undertakes to strengthen the justification of the assumptions of its approach, in particular with the help of count data. In order to meet this request, Seiki will carry out robust counting studies on roads representative of the French road network, and update them to take account of any changes in mobility at a level of detail corresponding to the advertising campaigns. In addition, the CESP recommended quantifying the impact of using data of different temporalities on the results, and adapting the integration process accordingly.
"MOOH is one of the most complex media to understand, as it combines territorial diversity with the mobile nature of media that can change their trajectory at any moment. In this respect, Seiki's audit was a rich exchange of views, and was carried out under very good conditions of transparency and professionalism. With this first audit of a MOOH measure, CESP is helping the industry to understand and integrate new players in outdoor advertising. The conclusions of CESP's work and Seiki's action plan will be shared with the OOH college", explains Olivier Hays, CESP's Director of Data Science.
"We're proud of the results of this first audit, and look forward to establishing our audience analysis expertise as a benchmark in the outdoor advertising ecosystem. Our solutions provide a concrete, data-driven response to brands seeking greater performance and transparency in their campaigns. Finally, we are determined to optimize and strengthen our solutions, in line with CESP's recommendations", emphasizes Jaafar Elalamy, Seiki's Managing Director.
"Seiki is a major player in Mobility Intelligence, revolutionizing the way MOOH media are perceived in France and soon in Europe. We are delighted with the results of this audit, which attest to the quality of the algorithms, the unique expertise of the teams and the genuine know-how developed," explains Hadrien de La Tour, Chairman and founder of LaTour Media Group and CEO of Adriver.